Parent or Progeny?

Parent or Progeny? 

Two New Videos for College Students!

In these videos, we explain the types of insurance implications college may bring and how both parents and students can protect themselves, as well as their belongings.

Insurance 101 – A Parent’s Guide to College Student Coverages

Going off to college is an exciting but worrisome time in every parent’s life. Moving into a dorm or apartment, buying a new computer, taking a vehicle to school – these major events all have insurance implications. Watch this video to make sure you, and your college-age child, have adequate protection in place.

Insurance 101 – Coverages for College Students

College – a single word that instills joy in every young adult’s mind. But before you hit the snooze for your first early morning class, watch this short video to discover ways to make sure you and your belongings are properly covered by insurance!